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4 breaking dawn破晓-第101章

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〃I'mnot going down without a fight;〃 Emmett snarled low under his breath。 〃Alice told us what to do。 
Let's get it done。〃 

The others nodded with determined expressions; and I realized that they were banking on whatever 
chance Alice had given us。 That they were not going to give in to hopelessness and wait to die。 

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Yes; we all would fight。 What else was there? And apparently we would involve others; because Alice 
had said so before she'd left us。 How could we not follow Alice's last warning? The wolves; too; would 
fight with us for Renesmee。 

We would fight; they would fight; and we all would die。 

I didn't feel the same resolve the others seemed to feel。 Alice knew the odds。 She was giving us the only 
chance she could see; but the chance was too slim for her to bet on it。 

I felt already beaten as I turned my back on Sam's critical face and followed Carlisle toward home。 

We ran automatically now; not the same panicked hurry as before。 As we neared the river; Esme's head 

〃There was that other trail。 It was fresh。〃 

She nodded forward; toward where she had called Edward's attention on the way here。 While we were 
racing to save Alice。。。 

〃It has to be from earlier in the day。 It was just Alice; without Jasper;〃 Edward said lifelessly。 

Esme's face puckered; and she nodded。 

I drifted to the right; falling a little behind。 I was sure Edward was right; but at the same time。。。 After all; 
how had Alice's note ended up on a page from my book? 

〃Bella?〃 Edward asked in an emotionless voice as I hesitated。 

〃I want to follow the trail;〃 I told him; smelling the light scent of Alice that led away from her earlier flight 
path; i was new to this; but it smelled exactly the same to me; just minus the scent of Jasper。 

Edward's golden eyes were empty。 〃It probably just leads back to the house。〃 

〃Then I'll meet you there。〃 

At first I thought he would let me go alone; but then; as I moved a few steps away; his blank eyes 
flickered to life。 

〃I'll e with you;〃 he said quietly。 〃Well meet you at home; Carlisle。〃 

Carlisle nodded; and the others left。 I waited until they were out of sight; and then I looked at Edward 

〃I couldn't let you walk away from me;〃 he explained in a low voice。 〃It hurt just to imagine it。〃 

I understood without more explanation than that。 I thought of being divided from him now and realized I 
would have felt the same pain; no matter how short the separation。 

There was so little time left to be together。 

I held my hand out to him; and he took it。 

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〃Let's hurry;〃 he said。 〃Renesmee will be awake。〃 

I nodded; and we were running again。 

It was probably a silly thing; to waste the time away from Renesmee just for curiosity's sake。 But the 
note bothered me。 Alice could have carved the note into a boulder or tree trunk if she lacked writing 
utensils。 She could have stolen a pad of Postits from any of the houses by the highway。 Why my book? 
When did she get it? 

Sure enough; the trail led back to the cottage by a circuitous route that stayed far clear of the Cullens' 
house and the wolves in the nearby woods。 Edward's brows tightened in confusion as it became obvious 
where the trail led。 

He tried to reason it out。 〃She left Jasper to wait for her and came here?〃 

We were almost to the cottage now; and I felt uneasy。 I was glad to have Edward's hand in mine; but I 
also felt as if I should be here alone。 Tearing out the page and carrying it back to Jasper was such an odd 
thing for Alice to do。 It felt like there was a message in her action—one I didn't understand at all。 But it 
was my book; so the message must be for me。 If it were something she wanted Edward to know; 
wouldn't she have pulled a page from one of his 

books。。。 ? 

〃Give me just a minute;〃 I said; pulling my hand free as we got to the door。 

His forehead creased。 〃Bella?〃 

〃Please? Thirty seconds。〃 

I didn't wait for him to answer。 I darted through the door; pulling it shut behind me。 I went straight to the 
bookshelf。 Alice's scent was fresh—less than a day old。 A fire that I had not set burned low but hot in the 
fireplace。 I yanked The Merchant of Venice off the shelf and flipped it open to the title page。 

There; next to the feathered edge left by the torn page; under the words The Merchant of Venice by 
William Shakespeare; was a note。 

Destroy this。 

Below that was a name and an address in Seattle。 

When Edward came through the door after only thirteen seconds rather than thirty; I was watching the 
book burn。 

〃What's going on; Bella?〃 

〃She was here。 She ripped a page out of my book to write her note on。〃 


〃I don't know why。〃 

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〃Why are you burning it?〃 

〃I—I—〃 I frowned; letting all my frustration and pain show on my face。 I did not know what Alice was 
trying to tell me; only that she'd gone to great lengths to keep it from anyone but me。 The one person 
whose mind Edward could not read。 So she must want to keep him in the dark; and it was probably for a 
good reason。 〃It seemed appropriate。〃 

〃We don't know what she's doing;〃 he said quietly。 

I stared into the flames。 I was the only person in the world who could lie to Edward。 Was that what 
Alice wanted from me? Her last request? 

〃When we were on the plane to Italy;〃 I whispered—this was not a lie; except perhaps in context—〃on 
our way to rescue you。。。 she lied to Jasper so that he wouldn't e after us。 She knew that if he faced 
the Volturi; he would die。 She was willing to die herself rather than put him in danger。 Willing for me to 
die; too。 Willing for you to die。〃 

Edward didn't answer。 

〃She has her priorities;〃 I said。 It made my still heart ache to realize that my explanation did not feel like a 
lie in any way。 

〃I don't believe it;〃 Edward said。 He didn't say it like he was arguing with me—he said it like he was 
arguing with himself。 〃Maybe it was just Jasper in danger。 Her plan would work for the rest of us; but 
he'd be lost if he stayed。 


〃She could have told us that。 Sent him away。〃 

〃But would Jasper have gone? Maybe she's lying to him again。〃 

〃Maybe;〃 I pretended to agree。 〃We should go home。 There's no time。〃 

Edward took my hand; and we ran。 

Alice's note did not make me hopeful。 If there were any way to avoid the ing slaughter; Alice would 
have stayed。 I couldn't see another possibility。 So it was something else she was giving me。 Not a way to 
escape。 But what else would she think that I wanted? Maybe a way to salvage something? Was there 
anything I could still save? 

Carlisle and the others had not been idle in our absence。 We'd been separated from them for all of five 
minutes; and they were already prepared to leave。 In the corner; Jacob was human again; with Renesmee 
on his lap; both of them watching us with wide eyes。 

Rosalie had traded her silk wrap dress for a sturdylooking pair of jeans; running shoes; and a 
buttondown shirt made of the thick weave that backpackers used for long trips。 Esme was dressed 
similarly。 There was a globe on the coffee table; but they were done looking at it; just waiting for us。 

The atmosphere was more positive now than before; it felt good to them to be in action。 Their hopes 

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were pinned on Alice's instructions。 

I looked at the globe and wondered where we were headed first。 

〃We're to stay here?〃 Edward asked; looking at Carlisle。 He didn't sound happy。 

〃Alice said that we would have to show people Renesmee; and we would have to be careful about it;〃 
Carlisle said。 〃We'll send whomever we can find back here to you—Edward; you'll be the best at fielding 
that particular minefield。〃 

Edward gave one sharp nod; still not happy。 〃There's a lot of ground to cover。〃 

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