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4 breaking dawn破晓-第103章

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just trying to soothe me。 

I'd never thought to see the motherdaughter bond reversed between us; the way it had always been for 
Renee and me。 But I hadn't had a very clear view of the future。 

A tear welled up on the edge of Renesmee's eye。 I wiped it away with a kiss。 She touched her eye in 
amazement and then looked at the wetness on her fingertip。 

〃Don't cry;〃 I told her。 〃It's going to be okay。 You're going to be fine。 I will find you a way through this。〃 

If there was nothing else I could do; I would still save my Renesmee。 I was more positive than ever that 
this was what Alice would give me。 She would know。 She would have left me a way。 


There was so much to think about。 

How was I going to find time alone to hunt down J。 Jenks; and why did Alice want me to know about 

If Alice's clue had nothing to do with Renesmee; what could I do to save my daughter? 

How were Edward and I going to explain things to Tanya's family in the morning? What if they reacted 
like Irina? What if it turned into a fight? 

I didn't know how to fight。 How was I going to learn in just a month? Was there any chance at all that I 
could be taught fast enough that I might be a danger to any one member of the Volturi? Or was I 
doomed to be totally useless? Just another easily dispatched newborn? 

So many answers I needed; but I did not get the chance to ask my questions。 

Wanting some normality for Renesmee; I'd insisted on taking her home to our cottage at bedtime。 Jacob 
was more fortable in his wolf form at the moment; the stress was easier dealt with when he felt ready 
for a fight。 I wished that I could feel the same; could feel ready。 He ran in the woods; on guard again。 

After she was deeply under; I put Renesmee in her bed and then went to the front room to ask my 
questions of Edward。 The ones I was able to ask; at any rate; one of the most difficult of problems was 
the idea of trying to hide anything from him; even with the advantage of my silent thoughts。 

He stood with his back to me; staring into the fire。 

〃Edward; I—〃 

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He spun and was across the room in what seemed like no time at all; not even the smallest part of a 
second。 I only had time to register the ferocious expression on his face before his lips were crushing 
against mine and his arms were locked around me like steel girders。 

I didn't think of my questions again for the rest of that night。 It didn't take long for me to grasp the reason 
for his 

mood; and even less time to feel exactly the same way。 

I'd been planning on needing years just to somewhat organize the overwhelming passion I felt for him 
physically。 And then centuries after that to enjoy it。 if we had only a month left together。。。 Well; I didn't 
see how I could stand to have this end。 For the moment I couldn't help but be selfish。 All I wanted was to 
love him as much as possible in the limited time given to me。 

It was hard to pull myself away from him when the sun came up; but we had our job to do; a job that 
might be more difficult than all the rest of our family's searches put together。 As soon as I let myself think 
of what was ing; i was all tension; it felt like my nerves were being stretched on a rack; thinner and 

〃I wish there was a way to get the information we need from Eleazar before we tell them about Nessie;〃 
Edward muttered as we hurriedly dressed in the huge closet that was more reminder of Alice than I 
wanted at the moment。 〃Just in case。〃 

〃But he wouldn't understand the question to answer it;〃 I agreed。 〃Do you think they'll let us explain?〃 

〃I don't know。〃 

I pulled Renesmee; still sleeping; from her bed and held her close so that her curls were pressed against 
my face; her sweet scent; so close; overpowered every other smell。 

I couldn't waste one second of time today。 There were answers I needed; and wasn't sure how much 
time Edward and I would have alone today。 If all went well with Tanya's family; hopefully we would have 
pany for an extended period。 

〃Edward; will you teach me how to fight?〃 I asked him; tensed for his reaction; as he held the door for 

It was what I expected。 He froze; and then his eyes swept over me with a deep significance; like he was 
looking at me for the first or last time。 His eyes lingered on our daughter sleeping in my arms。 

〃If it es to a fight; there won't be much any of us can do;〃 he hedged。 

I kept my voice even。 〃Would you leave me unable to defend myself?〃 

He swallowed convulsively; and the door shuddered; hinges protesting; as his hand tightened。 Then he 
nodded。 〃When you put it that way。。。 I suppose we should get to work as soon as we can。〃 

I nodded; too; and we started toward the big house。 We didn't hurry。 

I wondered what I could do that would have any hope of making a difference。 I was a tiny bit special; in 

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my own way—if a having a supematurally thick skull could really be considered special。 Was there any 
use that I could put that toward? 

〃What would you say their biggest advantage is? Do they even have a weakness?〃 

Edward didn't have to ask to know I meant the Volturi。 

〃Alec and Jane are their greatest offense;〃 he said emotionlessly; like we were talking of a basketball 
team。 〃Their defensive players rarely see any real action。〃 

〃Because Jane can burn you where you stand—mentally at least。 What does Alec do? Didn't you once 
say he was even more dangerous than Jane?〃 

〃Yes。 In a way; he is the antidote to Jane。 She makes you feel the worst pain imaginable。 Alec; on the 
other hand; makes you feel nothing。 Absolutely nothing。 Sometimes; when the Volturi are feeling kind; 
they have Alec anesthetize someone before he is executed。 If he has surrendered or pleased them in 
some other way。〃 

〃Anesthetic? But how is that more dangerous than Jane?〃 

〃Because he cuts off your senses altogether。 No pain; but also no sight or sound or smell。 Total sensory 
deprivation。 You are utterly alone in the blackness。 You don't even feel it when they burn you。〃 

I shivered。 Was this the best we could hope for? To not see or feel death when it came? 

〃That would make him only equally as dangerous as Jane;〃 Edward went on in the same detached voice; 
〃in that they both can incapacitate you; make you into a helpless target。 The difference between them is 
like the difference between Aro and me。 Aro hears the mind of only one person at a time。 Jane can only 
hurt the one object of her focus。 I can hear everyone at the same time。〃 

I felt cold as I saw where he was going。 〃And Alec can incapacitate us all at the same time?〃 I 

〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃If he uses his gift against us; we will all stand blind and deaf until they get around to 
killingus—maybe they'll simply burn us without bothering to tear us apart first。 Oh; we could try to fight; 
but we'll be more likely to hurt one another than we would be to hurt one of them。〃 

We walked in silence for a few seconds。 

An idea was shaping itself in my head。 Not very promising; but better than nothing。 

〃Do you think Alec is a very good fighter?〃 I asked。 〃Aside from what he can do; I mean。 If he had to 
fight without his gift。 I wonder if he's ever even tried___〃 

Edward glanced at me sharply。 〃What are you thinking?〃 

I looked straight ahead。 〃Well; he probably can't do that to me; can he? If what he does is like Aro and 
Jane and you。 Maybe。。。 if he's never really had to defend himself。。。 and I learned a few tricks—〃 

〃He's been with the Volturi for centuries;〃 Edward cut me off; his voice abruptly panicked。 He was 
probably seeing the same image in his head that I was: the Cullens standing helpless; senseless pillars on 

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thekillingfield—all but me。 I'd be the only one who could fight。 〃Yes; you're surely immune to his power; 
but you are still a newborn; Bella。 I can't make you that 
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