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4 breaking dawn破晓-第110章

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would do nothing against。〃 He grinned his crooked smile at me。 〃He can actually influence the elements 
—earth; wind; water; and fire。 True physical manipulation; no illusion of the mind。 Benjamin's still 
experimenting with it; and Amun tries to mold him into a weapon。 But you see how independent 
Benjamin is。 He won't be used。〃 

〃You like him;〃 I surmised from the tone of his voice。 

〃He has a very clear sense of right and wrong。 I like his attitude。〃 

Amun's attitude was something else; and he and Kebi kept to themselves; though Benjamin and Tia were 
well on their way to being fast friends with both the Denali and the Irish covens。 We hoped that Carlisle's 
return would ease the remaining tension with Amun。 

Emmett and Rose sent individuals—any nomad friends of Carlisle's that they could track down。 

Garrett came first—a tall; rangy vampire with eager ruby eyes and long sandy hair he kept tied back 
with a leather thong—and it was apparent immediately that he was an adventurer。 I imagined that we 
could have presented 

him with any challenge and he would have accepted; just to test himself。 He fell in quickly with the Denali 
sisters; asking endless questions about their unusual lifestyle。 I wondered if vegetarianism was another 
challenge he would try; just to see if he could do it。 

Mary and Randall also came—friends already; though they did not travel together。 They listened to 
Renesmee's story and stayed to witness like the others。 Like the Denalis; they considered what they 
would do if the Volturi did not pause for explanations。 All three of the nomads toyed with the idea of 
standing with us。 

Of course; Jacob got more surly with each new addition。 He kept his distance when he could; and when 
he couldn't he grumbled to Renesmee that someone was going to have to provide an index if anyone 
expected him to keep all the new bloodsuckers1names straight。* 

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Carlisle and Esme returned a week after they had gone; Emmett and Rosalie just a few days later; and 
all of us felt better when they were home。 Carlisle brought one more friend home with him; though friend 
might have been the wrong term。 Alistair was a misanthropic English vampire who counted Carlisle as his 
closest acquaintance; though he could hardly stand a visit more than once a century。 Alistair very much 
preferred to wander alone; and Carlisle had called in a lot of favors to get him here。 He shunned all 
pany; and it was clear he didn't have any admirers in the gathered covens。 

The brooding darkhaired vampire took Carlisle at his word about Renesmee's origins; refusing; like 
Amun; to touch her。 Edward told Carlisle; Esme; and me that Alistair was afraid to be here; but more 
afraid of not knowing the oute。 He was deeply suspicious of all authority; and therefore naturally 
suspicious of the Volturi。 What was happening now seemed to confirm all his fears。 

〃Of course; now they'll know i was here;〃 we heard him grumble to himself in the attic—his preferred 
spot to sulk。 〃No way to keep it from Aro at this point。 Centuries on the run; that's what this will mean。 
Everyone Carlisle's talked to in the last decade will be on their list。 I can't believe I got myself sucked into 
this mess。 What a fine way to treat your friends。〃 

But if he was right about having to run from the Volturi; at least he had more hope of doing that than the 
rest of us。 Alistair was a tracker; though not nearly as precise and efficient as Demetri。 Alistair just felt an 
elusive pull toward whatever he was seeking。 But that pull would be enough to tell him which direction to 
run—the opposite direction from Demetri。 

And then another pair of unexpected friends arrived—unexpected; because neither Carlisle nor Rosalie 
had been able to contact the Amazons。 

〃Carlisle;〃 the taller of the two very tall feline women greeted him when they arrived。 Both of them 
seemed as if they'd been stretched—long arms and legs; long fingers; long black braids; and long faces 
with long noses。 They wore nothing but animal skins—hide vests and tightfitting pants that laced on the 
sides with leather ties。 It wasn't just their eccentric clothes that made them seem wild but everything about 
them; from their restless crimson eyes to their sudden; darting movements。 I'd never met any vampires 
less civilized。 

But Alice had sent them; and that was interesting news; to put it mildly。 Why was Alice in South 
America? Just 

because she'd seen that no one else would be able to get in touch with the Amazons? 

〃Zafrina and Senna! But Where's Kachiri?〃 Carlisle asked。 Tve never seen you three apart。〃 

〃Alice told us we needed to separate;〃 Zafrina answered in the rough; deep voice that matched her wild 
appearance。 〃It's unfortable to be away from each other; but Alice assured us that you needed us 
here; while she very much needed Kachiri somewhere else。 That's all she would tell us; except that there 
was a great hurry。。。 ?〃 Zafrina's statement trailed off into a question; and—with the tremor of nerves that 
never went away no matter how often I did this—I brought Renesmee out to meet them。 

Despite their fierce appearance; they listened very calmly to our story; and then allowed Renesmee to 
prove the point。 They were every bit as taken with Renesmee as any of the other vampires; but I couldn't 
help worrying as I watched their swift; jerky movements so close beside her。 Senna was always near 
Zafrina; never speaking; but it wasn't the same as Amun and Kebi。 Kebi's manner seemed obedient; 
Senna and Zafrina were more like two limbs of one organism—Zafrina just happened to be the 

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The news about Alice was oddly forting。 Clearly; she was on some obscure mission of her own as 
she avoided whatever Aro had planned for her。 

Edward was thrilled to have the Amazons with us; because Zafrina was enormously talented; her gift 
could make a very dangerous offensive weapon。 Not that Edward was asking for Zafrina to side with us 
in the battle; but if the Volturi did not pause when they saw our witnesses; perhaps they would pause for 
a different kind of scene。 

〃It's a very straightforward illusion;〃 Edward explained when it turned out that I couldn't see anything; as 
usual。 Zafrina was intrigued and amused by my immunity—something she'd never encountered 
before—and she hovered restlessly while Edward described what I was missing。 Edward's eyes 
unfocused slightly as he continued。 〃She can make most people see whatever she wants them to 
see—see that; and nothing else。 For example; right now I would appear to be alone in the middle of a 
rain forest。 It's so clear I might possibly believe it; except for the fact that I can still feel you in my arms。〃 

Zafrina's lips twitched into her hard version of a smile。 A second later; Edward's eyes focused again; and 
he grinned back。 

〃Impressive;〃 he said。 

Renesmee was fascinated with the conversation; and she reached out fearlessly toward Zafrina。 

〃Can I see?〃 she asked。 

〃What would you like to see?〃 Zafrina asked。 

〃What you showed Daddy。〃 

Zafrina nodded; and I watched anxiously as Renesmee's eyes stared blankly into space。 A second later; 
Renesmee's dazzling smile lit up her face。 

〃More;〃 she manded。 

After that; it was hard to keep Renesmee away from Zafrina and her pretty pictures。 I worried; 
because I was quite sure that Zafrina was able to create images that were not pretty at all。 But through 
Renesmee's thoughts I 

could see Zafrina's visions for myself—they were as clear as any of Renesmee's own memories; like they 
were real—and thus judge for myself whether they were appropriate or not。 

Though I didn't give her up easily; I had to admit it was a good thing Zafrina was keeping Renesmee 
entertained。 I needed my hands。 I had so much to learn; both physically and mentally; and the time was 
so short。 

My first attempt at learning to fight did not go well。 

Edward had me pinned in about two s
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