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4 breaking dawn破晓-第118章

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Renesmee wore the locket I'd given her at dawn; and in her jacket pocket was the MP3 player Edward 
had given her—a tiny thing that held five thousand songs; already filled with Edward's favorites。 On her 
wrist was an intricately braided Quileute version of a promise ring。 Edward had gritted his teeth over that 
one; but it didn't bother me。 

Soon; so soon; I would be giving her to Jacob for safekeeping。 How could I be bothered by any symbol 
of the mitment I was so relying on? 

Edward had saved the day by ordering a gift for Charlie; too。 It had shown up yesterday—priority 
overnight shipping—and Charlie spent all morning reading the thick instruction manual to his new fishing 
sonar system。 

From the way the werewolves ate; Sue's lunch spread must have been good。 I wondered how the 
gathering would have looked to an outsider。 Did we play our parts well enough? Would a stranger have 
thought us a happy circle of friends; enjoying the holiday with casual cheer? 

I think Edward and Jacob both were as relieved as I was when it was time to go。 It felt odd to spend 
energy on the human fagade when there were so many more important things to be doing。 I had a hard 
time concentrating。 At the same time; this was perhaps the last time I would see Charlie。 Maybe it was a 
good thing that I was too numb to really register that。 

I hadn't seen my mother since the wedding; but I found I could only be glad for the gradual distancing 
that had begun two years ago。 She was too fragile for my world。 I didn't want her to have any part of 
this。 Charlie was stronger。 

Maybe even strong enough for a goodbye now; but I wasn't。 

It was very quiet in the car; outside; the rain was just a mist; hovering on the edge between liquid and 
ice。 Renesmee sat on my lap; playing with her locket; opening and closing it。 I watched her and imagined 
the things I would say to Jacob right now if I didn't have to keep my words out of Edward's head。 

If its ever safe again; take her to Charlie。 Tell him the whole story someday。 Tell him how much I loved 
him; how I couldn't bear to leave him even when my human life was over。 Tell him he was the best father。 
Tell him to pass my love on to Renee; all my hopes that she will be happy and well。。。。 

I would have to give Jacob the documents before it was too late。 I would give him a note for Charlie; 
too。 And a letter for Renesmee。 Something for her to read when I couldn't tell her I loved her anymore。 

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There was nothing unusual about the outside of the Cullen house as we pulled into the meadow; but I 
could hear some kind of subtle uproar inside。 Many low voices murmured and growled。 It sounded 
intense; and it sounded like an argument。 I could pick out Carlisle's voice and Amun's more often than the 

Edward parked in front of the house rather than going around to the garage。 We exchanged one wary 
glance before we got out of the car。 

Jacob's stance changed; his face turned serious and careful。 I guessed that he was in Alpha mode now。 
Obviously; something had happened; and he was going to get the information he and Sam would need。 

〃Alistair is gone;〃 Edward murmured as we darted up the steps。 

Inside the front room; the main confrontation was physically apparent。 Lining the walls was a ring of 
spectators; every vampire who had joined us; except for Alistair and the three involved in the quarrel。 
Esme; Kebi; and Tia were the closest to the three vampires in the center; in the middle of the room; 
Amun was hissing at Carlisle and Benjamin。 

Edward's jaw tightened and he moved quickly to Esme's side; towing me by the hand。 I clutched 
Renesmee tightly to my chest。 

〃Amun; if you want to go; no one is forcing you to stay;〃 Carlisle said calmly。 

〃You're stealing half my coven; Carlisle!〃 Amun shrieked; stabbing one finger at Benjamin。 〃Is that why 
you called me here? To steal from me?〃 

Carlisle sighed; and Benjamin rolled his eyes。 

〃Yes; Carlisle picked a fight with the Volturi; endangered his whole family; just to lure me here to my 
death;〃 Benjamin said sarcastically。 〃Be reasonable; Amun。 I'm mitted to do the right thing here—I'm 
not joining any other coven。 You can do whatever you want; of course; as Carlisle has pointed out。〃 

〃This won't end well;〃 Amun growled。 〃Alistair was the only sane one here。 We should all be running。〃 

〃Think of who you're calling sane;〃 Tia murmured in a quiet aside。 

〃We're all going to be slaughtered!〃 

〃It's not going to e to a fight;〃 Carlisle said in a firm voice。 

〃You say!〃 

〃If it does; you can always switch sides; Amun。 I'm sure the Volturi will appreciate your help。〃 

Amun sneered at him。 〃Perhaps that is the answer。〃 

Carlisle's answer was soft and sincere。 〃I wouldn't hold that against you; Amun。 We have been friends 
for a long time; but I would never ask you to die for me。〃 

Amun's voice was more controlled; too。 〃But you're taking my Benjamin down with you。〃 

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Carlisle put his hand on Amun's shoulder; Amun shook it off。 

〃I'll stay; Carlisle; but it might be to your detriment。 I will join them if that's the road to survival。 You're 
all fools to think that you can defy the Volturi。〃 He scowled; then sighed; glanced at Renesmee and me; 
and added in an exasperated tone; 〃I will witness that the child has grown。 That's nothing but the truth。 
Anyone would see that。〃 

〃That's all we've ever asked。〃 

Amun grimaced; 〃But not all that you are getting; it seems。〃 He turned on Benjamin。 〃I gave you life。 
You're wasting it。〃 

Benjamin's face looked colder than I'd ever seen it; the expression contrasted oddly with his boyish 
features。 〃It's a pity you couldn't replace my will with your own in the process; perhaps then you would 
have been satisfied with me。〃 

Amun's eyes narrowed。 He gestured abruptly to Kebi; and they stalked past us out the front door。 

〃He's not leaving;〃 Edward said quietly to me; 〃but he'll be keeping his distance even more from now on。 
He wasn't bluffing when he spoke of joining the Volturi。〃 

〃Why did Alistair go?〃 I whispered。 

〃No one can be positive; he didn't leave a note。 From his mutters; it's been clear that he thinks a fight is 
inevitable。 Despite his demeanor; he actually does care too much for Carlisle to stand with the Volturi。 I 
suppose he decided the danger was too much。〃 Edward shrugged。 

Though our conversation was clearly just between the two of us; of course everyone could hear it。 
Eleazar answered Edward's ment like it had been meant for all。 

〃From the sound of his mumblings; it was a bit more than that。 We haven't spoken much of the Volturi 
agenda; but Alistair worried that no matter how decisively we can prove your innocence; the Volturi will 
not listen。 He thinks they will find an excuse to achieve their goals here。〃 

The vampires glanced uneasily at one another。 The idea that the Volturi would manipulate their own 
sacrosanct law for gain was not a popular idea。 Only the Romanians were posed; their small 
halfsmiles ironic。 They seemed amused at how the others wanted to think well of their ancient enemies。 

Many low discussions began at the same time; but it was the Romanians I listened to。 Maybe because 
the fairhaired Vladimir kept shooting glances in my direction。 

〃I do so hope Alistair was right about this;〃 Stefan murmured to Vladimir。 〃No matter the oute; 
word will spread。 It's time our world saw the Volturi for what they've bee。 They'll never fall if 
everyone believes this nonsense about them protecting our way of life。〃 

〃At least when we ruled; we were honest about what we were;〃 Vladimir replied。 

Stefan nodded。 〃We never put on white hats and called ourselves saints。〃 

Tm thinking the time has e to fight;〃 Vladimir said。 〃How can you imagine well ever find a better 

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force to stand with? Another chance this good?〃 

〃Nothing is imposs
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