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4 breaking dawn破晓-第122章

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would surprise them that their prey didn't run。 Would that make them wary? I couldn't imagine the Volturi 
ever feeling a need for caution。 

Though I was—hopefully—invisible to Demetri; I stayed with Edward。 Of course。 We only had a few 
hours left to be together。 

Edward and I had not had a last grand scene of farewell; nor did I plan one。 To speak the word was to 
make it final。 It would be the same as typing the words The End on the last page of a manuscript。 So we 
did not say our goodbyes; and we stayed very close to each other; always touching。 Whatever end found 
us; it would not find us separated。 

We set up a tent for Renesmee a few yards back into the protective forest; and then there was more 
deja vu as we found ourselves camping in the cold again with Jacob。 It was almost impossible to believe 
how much things had changed since last June。 Seven months ago; our triangular relationship seemed 
impossible; three different kinds of heartbreak that could not be avoided。 Now everything was in perfect 
balance。 It seemed hideously ironic that the puzzle pieces would fit together just in time for all of them to 
be destroyed。 

It started to snow again the night before New Year's Eve。 This time; the tiny flakes did not dissolve into 
the stony ground of the clearing。 While Renesmee and Jacob slept—Jacob snoring so loudly I wondered 
how Renesmee didn't wake—the snow made first a thin icing over the earth; then built into thicker drifts。 
By the time the sun rose; the scene from Alice's vision was plete。 Edward and I held hands as we 
stared across the glittering white field; and neither of us spoke。 

Through the early morning; the others gathered; their eyes bearing mute evidence of their preparations 
—some light gold; some rich crimson。 Soon after we all were together; we could hear the wolves moving 
in the woods。 Jacob emerged from the tent; leaving Renesmee still sleeping; to join them。 

Edward and Carlisle were arraying the others into a loose formation; our witnesses to the sides like 

I watched from a distance; waiting by the tent for Renesmee to wake。 When she did; I helped her dress 
in the clothes I'd carefully picked out two days before。 Clothes that looked frilly and feminine but that 
were actually sturdy enough to not show any wear—even if a person wore them while riding a giant 
werewolf through a couple of states。 Over her jacket I put on the black leather backpack with the 
documents; the money; the clue; and my love notes for her and Jacob; Charlie and Renee。 She was 
strong enough that it was no burden to her。 

Her eyes were huge as she read the agony on my face。 But she had guessed enough not to ask me what 
I was doing。 

〃I love you;〃 I told her。 〃More than anything。〃 

〃I love you; too; Momma;〃 she answered。 She touched the locket at her neck; which now held a tiny 
photo of her; Edward; and me。 〃We'll always be together。〃 

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〃In our hearts we'll always be together;〃 I corrected in a whisper as quiet as a breath。 〃But when the time 
es today; you have to leave me。〃 

Her eyes widened; and she touched her hand to my cheek。 The silent no was louder than if she'd 
shouted it。 

I fought to swallow; my throat felt swollen。 〃Will you do it for me? Please?〃 

She pressed her fingers harder to my face。 Why? 

〃I can't tell you;〃 I whispered。 〃But you'll understand soon。 I promise。'7 

In my head; I saw Jacob's face。 

I nodded; then pulled her fingers away。 〃Don't think of it;〃 I breathed into her ear。 〃Don't tell Jacob until I 
tell you to run; okay?〃 

This she understood。 She nodded; too。 

I took from my pocket one last detail。 

While packing Renesmee's things; an unexpected sparkle of color had caught my eye。 A chance ray of 
sun through the skylight had hit the jewels on the ancient precious box stuffed high overhead on a shelf in 
an untouched corner。 I considered it for a moment and then shrugged。 After putting together Alice's 
clues; I couldn't hope that the ing confrontation would be resolved peacefully。 But why not try to 
start things out as friendly as possible? I asked myself。 What could it hurt? So I guess I must have had 
some hope left after all—blind; senseless hope—because I'd scaled the shelves and retrieved Aro's 
wedding present to me。 

Now I fastened the thick gold rope around my neck and felt the weight of the enormous diamond nestle 
into the hollow of my throat。 

〃Pretty;〃 Renesmee whispered。 Then she wrapped her arms like a vise around my neck。 I squeezed her 
against my chest。 Interlocked this way; I carried her out of the tent and to the clearing。 

Edward cocked one eyebrow as I approached; but otherwise did not remark on my accessory or 
Renesmee's。 He just put his arms tight around us both for one long moment and then; with a deep sigh; let 
us go。 I couldn't see a goodbye anywhere in his eyes。 Maybe he had more hope for something after this 
life than he'd let on。 

We took our place; Renesmee climbing agilely onto my back to leave my hands free。 I stood a few feet 
behind the front line made up by Carlisle; Edward; Emmett; Rosalie; Tanya; Kate; and Eleazar。 Close 
beside me were Benjamin and Zafrina; it was my job to protect them as long as I was able。 They were 
our best offensive weapons。 If the Volturi were the ones who could not see; even for a few moments; 
that would change everything。 

Zafrina was rigid and fierce; with Senna almost a mirror image at her side。 Benjamin sat on the ground; 
his palms pressed to the dirt; and muttered quietly about fault lines。 Last night; he'd strewn piles of 
boulders in naturallooking; now snowcovered heaps all along the back of the meadow。 They weren't 
enough to injure a vampire; but hopefully enough to distract one。 

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The witnesses clustered to our left and right; some nearer than others—those who had declared 
themselves were the closest。 I noticed Siobhan rubbing her temples; her eyes closed in concentration; 
was she humoring Carlisle? Trying to visualize a diplomatic resolution? 

In the woods behind us; the invisible wolves were still and ready; we could only hear their heavy panting; 
their beating hearts。 

The clouds rolled in; diffusing the light so that it could have been morning or afternoon。 Edward's eyes 
tightened as he scrutinized the view; and I was sure he was seeing this exact scene for the second time 
—the first time being Alice's vision。 It would look just the same when the Volturi arrived。 We only had 
minutes or seconds left now。 

All our family and allies braced themselves。 

From the forest; the huge russet Alpha wolf came forward to stand at my side; it must have been too 
hard for him to keep his distance from Renesmee when she was in such immediate danger。 

Renesmee reached out to twine her fingers in thefur over his massive shoulder; and her body relaxed a 
little bit。 She was calmer with Jacob close。I felt a tiny bit better; too。 As long Jacob was with Renesmee; 
she would be all right。 

Without risking a glance behind; Edward reached back to me。 I stretched my arm forward so that I 
could grip his hand。 He squeezed my fingers。 

Another minute ticked by; and I found myself straining to hear some sound of approach。 

And then Edward stiffened and hissed low between his clenched teeth。 His eyes focused on the forest 
due north of where we stood。 

We stared where he did; and waited as the last seconds passed。 


They came with pageantry; with a kind of beauty。 

They came in a rigid; formal formation。 They moved together; but it was not a march; they flowed in 
perfect synchronicity from the trees—a dark; unbroken shape that seemed to hover a few inches above 
the white snow; so smooth was the advance。 

The outer perimeter was gray; the color darkened with each line of bodies until the heart of the formation 
was deepest black。 Every face was cowled; shadowed。 The faint brushing sound of their feet was so 
regular it was like music; a p
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