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4 breaking dawn破晓-第20章

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He sounded disturbed when he spoke again。 〃What is frightening you?〃 

I shuddered slightly。 〃Mostly 。。。〃 I hesitated。 

〃Mostly?〃 he prompted。 

I wasn't sure why; but I didn't want to tell him about the child in my recurring nightmare; there was 

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something private about that particular horror。 So; instead of giving him the full description; I gave him 
just one element。 Certainly enough to frighten me or anyone else。 

〃The Volturi;〃 I whispered。 

He hugged me tighter。 〃They aren't going to bother us anymore。 You'll be immortal soon; and they'll have 
no reason。〃 

I let him fort me; feeling a little guilty that he'd misunderstood。 The nightmares weren't like that; 
exactly。 It wasn't that I was afraid for myself—I was afraid for the boy。 

He wasn't the same boy as that first dream—the vampire child with the bloodred eyes who sat on a pile 
of dead people I loved。 This boy I'd dreamed of four times in the last week was definitely human; his 
cheeks were flushed and his wide eyes were a soft green。 But just like the other child; he shook with fear 
and desperation as the Volturi closed in on us。 

In this dream that was both new and old; I simply had to protect the unknown child。 There was no other 
option。 At the same time; I knew that I would fail。 

He saw the desolation on my face。 〃What can I do to help?〃 

I shook it off。 〃They're just dreams; Edward。〃 

〃Do you want me to sing to you? Ill sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away。〃 

〃They're not all bad。 Some are nice。 So。。。 colorful。 Underwater; with the fish and the coral。 It all seems 
like it's really happening—I don't know that I'm dreaming。 Maybe this island is the problem。 It's really 
bright here。〃 

〃Do you want to go home?〃 

〃No。 No; not yet。 Can't we stay awhile longer?〃 

〃We can stay as long as you want; Bella;〃 he promised me。 

〃When does the semester start? I wasn't paying attention before。〃 

He sighed。 He may have started humming again; too; but I was under before I could be sure。 

Later; when I awoke in the dark; it was with shock。 The dream had been so very real。。。 so vivid; so 
sensory。。。。 I gasped aloud; now; disoriented by the dark room。 Only a second ago; it seemed; I had been 
under the brilliant sun。 

〃Bella?〃 Edward whispered; his arms tight around me; shaking me gently。 〃Are you all right; sweetheart?〃 

〃Oh;〃 I gasped again。 Just a dream。 Not real。 To my utter astonishment; tears overflowed from my eyes 
without warning; gushing down my face。 

〃Bella!〃 he said—louder; alarmed now。 〃What's wrong?〃 He wiped the tears from my hot cheeks with 
cold; frantic fingers; but others followed。 

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〃It was only a dream。〃 I couldn't contain the low sob that broke in my voice。 The senseless tears were 

but I couldn't get control of the staggering grief that gripped me。 I wanted so badly for the dream to be 

〃It's okay; love; you're fine。 I'm here。〃 He rocked me back and forth; a little too fast to soothe。 〃Did you 
have another nightmare? It wasn't real; it wasn't real。〃 

〃Not a nightmare。〃 I shook my head; scrubbing the back of my hand against my eyes。 〃It was a good 
dream。〃 My voice broke again。 

〃Then why are you crying?〃 he asked; bewildered。 

〃Because I woke up;〃 I wailed; wrapping my arms around his neck in a chokehold and sobbing into his 

He laughed once at my logic; but the sound was tense with concern。 

〃Everything's all right; Bella。 Take deep breaths。〃 

〃It was so real;〃 I cried。 〃I wanted it to be real。〃 

〃Tell me about it;〃 he urged。 〃Maybe that will help。〃 

〃We were on the beach。 。。。〃 I trailed off; pulling back to look with tearfilled eyes at his anxious angel's 
face; dim in the darkness。 I stared at him broodingly as the unreasonable grief began to ebb。 

〃And?〃 he finally prompted。 

I blinked the tears out of my eyes; torn。 〃Oh; Edward 。。。〃 

〃Tell me; Bella;〃 he pleaded; eyes wild with worry at the pain in my voice。 

But I couldn't。 Instead I clutched my arms around his neck again and locked my mouth with his 
feverishly。 It wasn't desire at all—it was need; acute to the point of pain。 His response was instant but 
quickly followed by his rebuff。 

He struggled with me as gently as he could in his surprise; holding me away; grasping my shoulders。 

〃No; Bella;〃 he insisted; looking at me as if he was worried that I'd lost my mind。 

My arms dropped; defeated; the bizarre tears spilling in a fresh torrent down my face; a new sob rising 
in my throat。 He was right—I must be crazy。 

He stared at me with confused; anguished eyes。 

〃I'm sssorry;〃 I mumbled。 

But he pulled me to him then; hugging me tightly to his marble chest。 

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〃I can't; Bella; I can't!〃 His moan was agonized。 

〃Please;〃 I said; my plea muffled against his skin。 〃Please; Edward?〃 

I couldn't tell if he was moved by the tears trembling in my voice; or if he was unprepared to deal with 
the suddenness of my attack; or if his need was simply as unbearable in that moment as my own。 But 
whatever the reason; he pulled my lips back to his; surrendering with a groan。 

And we began where my dream had left off。 

I stayed very still when I woke up in the morning and tried to keep my breathing even。 I was afraid to 
open my eyes。 

I was lying across Edward's chest; but he was very still and his arms were not wrapped around me。 That 
was a bad sign。 I was afraid to admit I was awake and face his anger—no matter whom it was directed 
at today。 

Carefully; I peeked through my eyelashes。 He was staring up at the dark ceiling; his arms behind his 
head。 I pulled myself up on my elbow so that I could see his face better。 It was smooth; expressionless。 

〃How much trouble am I in?〃 I asked in a small voice。 

〃Heaps;〃 he said; but turned his head and smirked at me。 

I breathed a sigh of relief。 〃I am sorry;〃 I said。 〃I didn't mean。。。 Well; I don't know exactly what that was 
last night。〃 I shook my head at the memory of the irrational tears; the crushing grief。 

〃You never did tell me what your dream was about。〃 

〃I guess I didn't—but I sort of showed you what it was about。〃 I laughed nervously。 

〃Oh;〃 he said。 His eyes widened; and then he blinked。 〃Interesting。〃 

〃It was a very good dream;〃 I murmured。 He didn't ment; so a few seconds later I asked; 〃Am I 

〃I'm thinking about it。〃 

I sat up; planning to examine myself—there didn't seem to be any feathers; at least。 But as I moved; an 
odd wave of vertigo hit。 I swayed and fell back against the pillows。 

〃Whoa。。。 head rush。〃 

His arms were around me then。 〃You slept for a long time。 Twelve hours。〃 

〃Twelve?〃How strange。 

I gave myself a quick onceover while I spoke; trying to be inconspicuous about it。 I looked fine。 The 
bruises on my arms were still a week old; yellowing。 I stretched experimentally。 I felt fine; too。 Well; 
better than fine; actually。 

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〃Is the inventory plete?〃 

I nodded sheepishly。 〃The pillows all appear to have survived。〃 

〃Unfortunately; I can't say the same for your; er; nightgown。〃 He nodded toward the foot of the bed; 
where several scraps of black lace were strewn across the silk sheets。 

〃That's too bad;〃 I said。 〃I liked that one。〃 

〃I did; too。〃 

〃Were there any other casualties?〃 I asked timidly。 

〃I'll have to buy Esme a new bed frame;〃 he confessed; glancing over his shoulder。 I followed his gaze 
and was shocked to see that large chunks of wood had apparently been gouged from the left side of the 

〃Hmm。〃 I frowned。 〃You'd think I would have heard that。〃 

〃You seem to be extraordinarily unobservant when your attention is otherwise involved。〃 

〃I was a bit absorbed;〃 I admitted; blushing a deep red。 

He touched my burning cheek and si
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