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4 breaking dawn破晓-第28章

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them to her。 

〃Did I get it?'7 

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〃Which one?〃 


She cupped her hands and he poured the small rocks into them。 She laughed and immediately clunked 
him on the head with them。 He winced theatrically and then got to his feet and started walking back up 
toward the parking lot。 Probably worried about her getting cold in her wet clothes。 He was worse than 
any paranoid; overprotective mother。 

〃Sorry if I was being pushy before; man; about the girl thing;〃 I said。 

〃Naw; that's cool;〃 Quil said。 〃It kind of took me by surprise is all。 I hadn't thought about it。〃 

〃I bet she'd understand。 You know; when she's grown up。 She wouldn't get mad that you had a life while 
she was in diapers。〃 

〃No; I know。 I'm sure she'd understand that。〃 

He didn't say anything else。 

〃But you won't do that; will you?〃 I guessed。 

〃I can't see it;〃 he said in a low voice。 〃I can't imagine。 I just don't。。。 see anyone that way。 I don't notice 
girls anymore; you know。 I don't see their faces。〃 

〃Put that together with the tiara and makeup; and maybe Claire will have a different kind of petition 
to worry about。〃 

Quil laughed and made kissing noises at me。 〃You available this Friday; Jacob?〃 

〃You wish;〃 I said; and then I made a face。 〃Yeah; guess I am; though。〃 

He hesitated a second and then said; 〃You ever think about dating?〃 

I sighed。 Guess I'd opened myself up for that one。 

〃You know; Jake; maybe you should think about getting a life。〃 

He didn't say it like a joke。 His voice was sympathetic。 That made it worse。 

〃I don't see them; either; Quil。 I don't see their faces。〃 

Quil sighed; too。 

Far away; too low for anyone but just us two to hear it over the waves; a howl rose out of the forest。 

〃Dang; that's Sam;〃 Quil said。 His hands flew up to touch Claire; as if making sure she was still there。 〃I 
don't know where her mom's at!〃 

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Til see what it is。 If we need you; HI let you know。〃 I raced through the words。 They came out all 
slurred together。 〃Hey; why don't you take her up to the Clearwaters'? Sue and Billy can keep an eye on 
her if they need to。 They might know what's going on; anyway。〃 

〃Okay—get outta here; Jake!〃 

I took off running; not for the dirt path through the weedy hedge; but in the shortest line toward the 
forest。 I hurdled the first line of driftwood and then ripped my way through the briars; still running。 I felt 
the little tears as the thorns cut into my skin; but I ignored them。 Their sting would be healed before I 
made the trees。 

I cut behind the store and darted across the highway。 Somebody honked at me。 Once in the safety of 
the trees; I ran faster; taking longer strides。 People would stare if I was out in the open。 Normal people 
couldn't run like this。 Sometimes I thought it might be fun to enter a race—you know; like the Olympic 
trials or something。 It would be cool to watch the expressions on those star athletes' faces when I blew 
by them。 Only I was pretty sure the testing they did to make sure you weren't on steroids would probably 
turn up some really freaky crap in my blood。 

As soon as I was in the true forest; unbound by roads or houses; I skidded to a stop and kicked my 
shorts off。 With quick; practiced moves; I rolled them up and tied them to the leather cord around my 
ankle。 As I was still pulling the ends tight; I started shifting。 The fire trembled down my spine; throwing 
tight spasms out along my arms and legs。 It only took a second。 The heat flooded through me; and I felt 
the silent shimmer that made me something else。 I threw my heavy paws against the matted earth and 
stretched my back in one long; rolling extension。 

Phasing was very easy when I was centered like this。 I didn't have issues with my temper anymore。 
Except when it got in the way。 

For one half second; I remembered the awful moment at that unspeakable joke of a wedding。 I'd been 
so insane with fury that I couldn't make my body work right。 I'd been trapped; shaking and burning; 
unable to make the change and kill the monster just a few feet away from me。 It had been so confusing。 
Dying to kill him。 Afraid to hurt her。 My friends in the way。 And then; when I was finally able to take the 
form I wanted; the order from my leader。 The edict from the Alpha。 If it had been just Embry and Quil 
there that night without Sam。。。 would I have been able to kill the murderer; then? 

I hated it when Sam laid down the law like that。 I hated the feeling of having no choice。 Of having to 

And then I was conscious of an audience。 I was not alone in my thoughts。 

So selfabsorbed all the time;Leah thought。 

Yeah; no hypocrisy there; Leah;I thought back。 

Can it; guys;Sam told us。 

We fell silent; and I felt Leah's wince at the word guys。 Touchy; like always。 

Sam pretended not to notice。 Where's Quil andJared? 

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Quit's got Claire。 He's taking her to the Clearwaters'。 

Good。 Sue will take her。 

Jared was going to Kim's;Embry thought。 Good chance he didn't hear you。 

There was a low grumble through the pack。 I moaned along with them。 When Jared finally showed up; 
no doubt he'd still be thinking about Kim。 And nobody wanted a replay of what they were up to right 

Sam sat back on his haunches and let another howl rip into the air。 It was a signal and an order in one。 

The pack was gathered a few miles east of where I was。 I loped through the thick forest toward them。 

Embry; and Paul all were working in toward them; too。 Leah was close—soon I could hear her footfalls 
not far into the woods。 We continued in a parallel line; choosing not to run together。 

Well; we're not waiting all day for him。 He'll just have to catch up later。 

'Sup; boss?Paul wanted to know。 

We need to talk。 Something's happened。 

I felt Sam's thoughts flicker to me—and not just Sam's; but Seth's and Collin's and Brady's as well。 
Collin and Brady—the new kids—had been running patrol with Sam today; so they would know 
whatever he knew。 I didn't know why Seth was already out here; and in the know。 It wasn't his turn。 

Seth; tell them what you heard。 

I sped up; wanting to be there。 I heard Leah move faster; too。 She hated being outrun。 Being the fastest 
was the only edge she claimed。 

Claimthis; moron; she hissed; and then she really kicked it into gear。 I dug my nails into the loam and 
shot myself forward。 

Sam didn't seem in the mood to put up with our usual crap。 Jake; Leah; give it a rest。 

Neither of us slowed。 

Sam growled; but let it go。 Seth? 

Charlie called around till he found Billy at my house。 

Yeah; I talked to him;Paul added。 

I felt a jolt go through me as Seth thought Charlie's name。 This was it。 The waiting was over。 I ran faster; 
forcing myself to breathe; though my lungs felt kinda stiff all of a sudden。 

Which story would it be? 

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So he's all flipped out。 Guess Edward and Bella got home last week; and。。。 

My chest eased up。 

She was alive。 Or she wasn't dead dead; at least。 

I hadn't realized how much difference it would make to me。 I'd been thinking of her as dead this whole 
time; and I only saw that now。 I saw that I'd never believed that he would bring her back alive。 It 
shouldn't matter; because I knew what was ing next。 

Yeah; bro; and here's the bad news。 Charlie talked to her; said she sounded bad。 She told him she's 
sick。 Carlisle got on and told Charlie that Bella picked up some rare disease in South America。 Said she's 
quarantined。 Charlie's going crazy; 'cause even he's not allowed to see her。 He says he doesn't care if he 
gets sick; but Carlisle wouldn't bend。 No visitors。 Told Charlie it was pretty serious; but that he's doing 
everything he can。 Charlie's been stewing about it for days; but he onl
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