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4 breaking dawn破晓-第65章

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Wouldn't it be more fair—more satisfying—to let him live with nothing; nothing at all? 

It made me almost smile; as filled with hate as I was; to imagine it。 No Bella。 No killer spawn。 And also 
missing as many members of his family as I was able to take down。 Of course; he could probably put 
those back together; since i wouldn't be around to burn them。 Unlike Bella; who would never be whole 

I wondered if the creature could be put back together。 I doubted it。 It was part Bella; too—so it must 
have inherited some of her vulnerability。 I could hear that in the tiny; thrumming beat of its heart。 

Its heart was beating。 Hers wasn't。 

Only a second had passed as I made these easy decisions。 

The trembling was getting tighter and faster。 I coiled myself; preparing to spring at the blond vampire and 

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rip the murderous thing from her arms with my teeth。 

Rosalie cooed at the creature again; setting the empty metal bottlething aside and lifting the creature into 
the air to nuzzle her face against its cheek。 

Perfect。 The new position was perfect for my strike。 I leaned forward and felt the heat begin to change 
me while the pull toward the killer grew—it was stronger than I'd ever felt it before; so strong it reminded 
me of an Alpha's mand; like it would crush me if I didn't obey。 

This time I wanted to obey。 

The murderer stared past Rosalie's shoulder at me; its gaze more focused than any newborn creature's 
gaze should be。 

Warm brown eyes; the color of milk chocolate—the exact same color that Bella's had been。 

My shaking jerked to a stop; heat flooded through me; stronger than before; but it was a new kind of 
heat—not a burning。 

It was a glowing。 

Everything inside me came undone as I stared at the tiny porcelain face of the halfvampire; halfhuman 
baby。 All the lines that held me to my life were sliced apart in swift cuts; like clipping the strings to a 
bunch of balloons。 Everything that made me who I was—my love for the dead girl upstairs; my love for 
my father; my loyalty to my new pack; the love for my other brothers; my hatred for my enemies; my 
home; my name; my sef—disconnected from me in that second— snip; snip; snip—and floated up into 

I was not left drifting。 A new string held me where I was。 

Not one string; but a million。 Not strings; but steel cables。 A million steel cables all tying me to one thing 
—to the very center of the universe。 

I could see that now—how the universe swirled around this one point。 I'd never seen the symmetry of 
the universe before; but now it was plain。 

The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood。 

It was the baby girl in the blond vampire's arms that held me here now。 


From upstairs; there was a new sound。 The only sound that could touch me in this endless instant。 A 
frantic pounding; a racing beat。。。 

A changing heart。 



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20。 NEW 





25。 FAVOR 

26。 SHINY 






32。 PANY 






38。 POWER 


Personal affection is a luxury you can have only after all your enemies are eliminated。 Until then; 
everyone you love is 

a hostage; sapping your courage and corrupting your judgment 

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Orson Scott Card Empire 


No longer just a nightmare; the line of black advanced on us through the icy mist stirred up by their feet。 

We're going to die;I thought in panic。 I was desperate for the precious one I guarded; but even to think 
of that was a lapse in attention I could not afford。 

They ghosted closer; their dark robes billowing slightly with the movement。 I saw their hands curl into 
bonecolored claws。 They drifted apart; angling to e at us from all sides。 We were outnumbered。 It 
was over。 

And then; like a burst of light from a flash; the whole scene was different。 Yet nothing changed—the 
Volturi still stalked toward us; poised to kill。 All that really changed was how the picture looked to me。 
Suddenly; I was hungry for it。 I wanfed them to charge。 The panic changed to bloodlust as I crouched 
forward; a smile on my face; and a growl ripped through my bared teeth。 


The pain was bewildering。 

Exactly that—I was bewildered。 I couldn't understand; couldn't make sense of what was happening。 

My body tried to reject the pain; and I was sucked again and again into a blackness that cut out whole 
seconds or maybe even minutes of the agony; making it that much harder to keep up with reality。 

I tried to separate them。 

Nonreality was black; and it didn't hurt so much。 

Reality was red; and it felt like I was being sawed in half; hit by a bus; punched by a prize fighter; 
trampled by bulls; and submerged in acid; all at the same time。 

Reality was feeling my body twist and flip when I couldn't possibly move because of the pain。 

Reality was knowing there was something so much more important than all this torture; and not being 
able to remember what it was。 

Reality had e on so fast。 

One moment; everything was as it should have been。 Surrounded by people I loved。 Smiles。 Somehow; 
unlikely as it was; it seemed like I was about to get everything I'd been fighting for。 

And then one tiny; inconsequential thing had gone wrong。 

I'd watched as my cup tilted; dark blood spilling out and staining the perfect white; and I'd lurched 
toward the accident reflexively。 I'd seen the other; faster hands; but my body had continued to reach; to 

Inside me; something had yanked the opposite direction。 

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Ripping。 Breaking。 Agony。 

The darkness had taken over; and then washed away to a wave of torture。 I couldn't breathe—I had 
drowned once before; and this was different; it was too hot in my throat。 

Pieces of me shattering; snapping; slicing apart___ 

More blackness。 

Voices; this time; shouting; as the pain came back。 

'The placenta must have detached!〃 

Something sharper than knives ripped through me—the words; making sense in spite of the other 
tortures。 Detached placenta —I knew what that meant。 It meant that my baby was dying inside me。 

〃Get him out!〃 I screamed to Edward。 Why hadn't he done it yet? 〃He can't breathe! Do it now!〃 

〃The morphine—〃 

He wanted to wait; to give me painkillers; while our baby was dying?! 

〃No! Now—;〃 I choked; unable to finish。 

Black spots covered the light in the room as a cold point of new pain stabbed icily into my stomach。 It 
felt wrong—I struggled automatically to protect my womb; my baby; my little Edward Jacob; but I was 
weak。 My lungs ached; oxygen burned away。 

The pain faded away again; though I clung to it now。 My baby; my baby; dying___ 

How long had passed? Seconds or minutes? The pain was gone。 Numb。 I couldn't feel。 I still couldn't 
see; either; but I could hear。 There was air in my lungs again; scraping in rough bubbles up and down my 

〃You stay with me now; Bella! Do you hear me? Stay! You're not leaving me。 Keep your heart beating!〃 

Jacob? Jacob; still here; still trying to save me。 

Of course;I wanted to tell him。 Of course I would keep my heart beating。 Hadn't I promised them both? 

I tried to feel my heart; to find it; but I was so lost inside my own body。 I couldn't feel the things I should; 
and nothing felt in the right place。 I blinked and I found my eyes。 I could see the light。 Not what I was 
looking for; but better than nothing。 

As my eyes struggled to adjust; Edward whispered; 〃Renesmee。〃 


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