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4 breaking dawn破晓-第87章

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than I do now。〃 

I was about to inform him of the one exception to his statement; but my lips were suddenly very busy。 

When the little pool turned pearlcolored with the sunrise; I thought of another question for him。 

〃How long does this go on? I mean; Carlisle and Esme; Em and Rose; Alice and Jasper—they don't 
spend all day locked in their rooms。 They're out in public; fully clothed; all the time。 Does this。。。 craving 

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ever let up?〃 I twisted myself closer into him—quite an acplishment; actually—to make it clear what I 
was talking about。 

〃That's difficult to say。 Everyone is different and; well; so far you're the very most different of all。 The 
average young vampire is too obsessed with thirst to notice much else for a while。 That doesn't seem to 
apply to you。 With the average vampire; though; after that first year; other needs make themselves 
known。 Neither thirst nor any other desire really ever fades。 It's simply a matter of learning to balance 
them; learning to prioritize and manage___〃 

〃How long?〃 

He smiled; wrinkling his nose a little。 〃Rosalie and Emmett were the worst。 It took a solid decade before 
I could stand to be within a fivemile radius of them。 Even Carlisle and Esme had a difficult time 
stomaching it。 They kicked the happy couple out eventually。 Esme built them a house; too。 It was grander 
than this one; but then; Esme knows what Rose likes; and she knows what you like。〃 

〃So; after ten years; then?〃 I was pretty sure that Rosalie and Emmett had nothing on us; but it might 
sound cocky if I went higher than a decade。 〃Everybody is normal again? Like they are now?〃 

Edward smiled again。 〃Well; I'm not sure what you mean by normal。 You've seen my family going about 
life in a fairly human way; but you've been sleeping nights。〃 He winked at me。 〃There's a tremendous 
amount of time left over when you don't have to sleep。 It makes balancing your。。。 interests quite easy。 
There's a reason why I'm the best musician in the family; why—besides Carlisle—I've read the most 
books; studied the most sciences; bee fluent 

in the most languages。。。。 Emmett would have you believe that I'm such a knowitall because of the mind 
reading; but the truth is that I've just had a lot of free time。〃 

We laughed together; and the motion of our laughter did interesting things to the way our bodies were 
connected; effectively ending that conversation。 

25。 FAVOR 

It was only a little while later that Edward reminded me of my priorities。 

It took him just one word。 


I sighed。 She would be awake soon。 It must be nearly seven in the morning。 Would she be looking for 
me? Abruptly; something close to panic had my body freezing up。 What would she look like today? 

Edward felt the total distraction of my stress。 〃It's all right; love。 Get dressed; and we'll be back to the 
house in two seconds。〃 

I probably looked like a cartoon; the way I sprung up; then looked back at him—his diamond body 
faintly glinting in the diffuse light—then away to the west; where Renesmee waited; then back at him 
again; then back toward her; my head whipping from side to side a half dozen times in a second。 Edward 
smiled; but didn't laugh; he was a strong man。 

〃It's all about balance; love。 You're so good at all of this; I don't imagine it will take too long to put 

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everything in perspective。〃 

〃And we have all night; right?〃 

He smiled wider。 〃Do you think I could bear to let you get dressed now if that weren't the case?〃 

That would have to be enough to get me through the daylight hours。 I would balance this overwhelming; 
devastating desire so that I could be a good— It was hard to think the word。 Though Renesmee was 
very real and vital in my life; it was still difficult to think of myself as a mother。 I supposed anyone would 
feel the same; though; without nine months to get used to the idea。 And with a child that changed by the 

The thought of Renesmee's speeding life had me stressedout again in an instant。 I didn't even pause at 
the ornately carved double doors to catch my breath before finding out what Alice had done。 I just burst 
through; intent 

on wearing the first things I touched。 I should have known it wouldn't be that easy。 

〃Which ones are mine?〃 I hissed。 As promised; the room was bigger than our bedroom。 It might have 
been bigger than the rest of the house put together; but I'd have to pace it off to be positive。 I had a brief 
mental flash of Alice trying to persuade Esme to ignore classic proportions and allow this monstrosity。 I 
wondered how Alice had won that one。 

Everything was wrapped in garment bags; pristine and white; row after row after row。 

〃To the best of my knowledge; everything but this rack here〃—he touched a bar that stretched along the 
halfwall to the left of the door—〃is yours。〃 

〃All of this?〃 

He shrugged。 

〃Alice;〃 we said together。 He said her name like an explanation; I said it like an expletive。 

〃Fine;〃 I muttered; and I pulled down the zipper on the closest bag。 I growled under my breath when I 
saw the floorlength silk gown inside—baby pink。 

Finding something normal to wear could take all day! 

〃Let me help;〃 Edward offered。 He sniffed carefully at the air and then followed some scent to the back 
of the long room。 There was a builtin dresser there。 He sniffed again; then opened a drawer。 With a 
triumphant grin; he held out a pair of artfully faded blue jeans。 

I flitted to his side。 〃How did you do that?〃 

〃Denim has its own scent just like anything else。 Now。。。 stretch cotton?〃 

He followed his nose to a halfrack; unearthing a longsleeved white tshirt。 He tossed it to me。 

〃Thanks;〃 I said fervently。 I inhaled each fabric; memorizing the scent for future searches through this 
madhouse。 I remembered silk and satin; I would avoid those。 

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It only took him seconds to find his own clothes—if I hadn't seen him undressed; I would have sworn 
there was nothing more beautiful than Edward in his khakis and pale beige pullover—and then he took 
my hand。 We darted through the hidden garden; leaped lightly over the stone wall; and hit the forest at a 
dead sprint。 I pulled my hand free so that we could race back。 He beat me this time。 

Renesmee was awake; she was sitting up on the floor with Rose and Emmett hovering over her; playing 
with a little pile of twisted silverware。 She had a mangled spoon in her right hand。 As soon as she spied 
me through the glass; she chucked the spoon on the floor—where it left a divot in the wood—and 
pointed in my direction imperiously。 Her audience laughed; Alice; Jasper; Esme; and Carlisle were sitting 
on the couch; watching her as if she were the most engrossing film。 

I was through the door before their laughter had barely begun; bounding across the room and scooping 
her up from the floor in the same second。 We smiled widely at each other。 

She was different; but not so much。 A little longer again; her proportions drifting from babyish to 
childlike。 Her hair was longer by a quarter inch; the curls bouncing like springs with every movement。 I'd 
let my imagination run wild 

on the trip back; and I'd imagined worse than this。 Thanks to my overdone fears; these little changes 
were almost a relief。 Even without Carlisle's measurements; I was sure the changes were slower than 

Renesmee patted my cheek。 I winced。 She was hungry again。 

〃How long has she been up?〃 I asked as Edward disappeared through the kitchen doorway。 I was sure 
he was on his way to get her breakfast; having seen what she'd just thought as clearly as I had。 I 
wondered if he would ever have noticed her little quirk; if he'd been the only one to know her。 To him; it 
probably would have seemed like hearing anyone。 

〃Just a few minutes;〃 Rose said。 〃We would have called you soon。 She's been asking for 
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